Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Picture Lady KC

 1st picture (baby sun glare)
 2nd picture (sun)

 3rd picture (background)
These pictures are from"The Picture Lady KC." I'm pretty sure she is from Kansas City. I can't find a lot of information about the lady. She has some good and bad photos on her website. I haven't talked about any bad photography yet. Every professional photographer has some bad pictures every now and then. These are the 3 pictures that I thought weren't as good as the rest of her photos for different reasons. I'm not sure why she would put the 1st picture on her website. This picture does not look professional at all. I see a lot of my friends take pictures like that with their cell phones. The baby is not in focus and it has a huge sun glare going across the baby's face and the rest of the picture. The right side is blown out and is mostly white. If I was the photographer I would take that picture off of my website and re-shoot. They probably thought the sun glare was cool looking, which some people like, but this sun glare is a little much. I only have one compliant about the 2nd picture. The sun is going right in the guy's eye (the farthest eye). I would have shot this picture at a slightly different angle or have the couple move over. Other than that I like the composition and the colors in the 2nd photo. I think this is a good picture of this lovely family (3rd picture), but I don't like the background. The background is a little busy and takes away from the focus of the picture, which is the family. If she still wanted to use this background I think she should blur the background or if she already did she should blur it more. I would also use Photoshop and try to make the family pop a little more. I think this picture could be really great if it was tweaked a little more.

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