Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Leo Burnett & ARC Worldwide

Leo Burnett and ARC Worldwide is the company who designed this advertisement. They have locations all over the world from Argentina, Australia, Thailand, United States, China, and Greece. "As the marketing services arm of Leo Burnett globally, Arc specializes in digital communications, direct & database marketing, promotions and shopper marketing." They have worked with Canon, McDonalds, Foster, Walgreens, Purina, Comcast, Coca-Cola, and more.

Canon PowerShot D10 - Underwater Camera 35-105mm
Canon PowerShot D10 – Underwater Camera 35-105mm
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett & ARC Worldwide, Bangkok, Thailand

I really like this ad. This is an ad for the PowerShot D10- Underwater Camera 35-105mm. I think this is a really creative ad and I got the concept right away. Usually when people take pictures of people or other things in the water/underwater they look like how the top quarter of the picture looks like, which is blurry, out-of-focus, wavy, and distorted. This picture shows that the people and objects under the water is very clear, in-focus, and not distorted at all. This ad is photo based. I like how they put a picture of the actual camera in the top right corner along with the name. I like when ads have a picture of the actual product on it because I know what it looks like and therefore when I go to potentially purchase the product I know exactly what it looks like. It also helps people associate the ad with the actual product. This ad only used 1 picture, the picture of the product, and the name of the product, but it was very successful in my opinion. Most ads are usually just one strong/good picture with some creative type on it. The simple, but powerful ads are the ones people remember. People usually don't remember overly complicated advertisements. I think Leo Burnett & ARC Worldwide did a great job of creating this ad.

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